Stories Within Stories (II)
Stories Within Stories (II)
Stories Within Stories (II)

Stories Within Stories (II)

Earth pigments, acrylic medium and graphite on hardboard panel

Dimensions: 9 x 12 x 0.75 inch
(approximately 23 x 30.5 x 2 cm)



" Like small jewels kept in different boxes, these narratives and stories, remembered differently over time, are nevertheless kept within easy reach for reference. There seems to be a map-like quality to this way of storing memories. Doorways appear and disappear, it can quickly become Escher-like in here, but there is an inherent structure that is trustworthy and hard at work." — Marilet

Made from earth pigments and all natural materials, the pieces in this collection are all particles of nature re-formed, connecting the world outside with our worlds indoors. They have a steady presence and are composed of imperfect structures, which despite their irregularities (or perhaps thanks to them) are resilient and flexible, states of being I hope to embody. The imagery used is composed of positive and negative areas which invite the eye to move around, playfully distracting the mind from its preoccupations: a visual meditation of sorts.